CfP: 7th International Conference on Applied Economics

7th International Conference on Applied Economics “COMPETITION: ANALYSIS AND POLICY”
Department of Economics, University of Thessaly is organizing the 7th Conference on Applied Economics from 20th of May to 21st May 2021.
Our seventh Conference is devoted to a crucial perennial economic issue “COMPETITION: ANALYSIS and POLICY”. Economic competition describes a condition in which organizations seek to obtain a share in the market, via the best utilization of their tangible and intangible resources. Competition is the central economic assumption of mainstream economics that has offered the ground of critiques, the result of which has been the development of alternative economic modeling referred to markets, from duopoly to monopolistic competition. By the same token, competitive conditions of production and distribution are the principal concern of national and international economic policies all over the world. In that sense, every aspect of policymaking is affected by the pursue of competitiveness: regional, scientific, educational, technical etc.
On these grounds, the main thematic axes, around which the Conference will revolve, are (but not exclusively) the following:
- Firms, organizations and competition
- Forms of competition and power structure
- Building and maintaining competitive advantage
- State policies and competition
- Socio-technical change and competition
- Regional development and competition
- Inequalities, new divides and competitiveness
- Social and solidarity economy and the commons
- Legal and institutional dimensions of competition
- Geo-economics, geo-politics and international competition
Keynote speakers to be announced
- All the presentations of the papers will be in English. Selected papers will be published in a collective volume in an international publishing house or peer review journals.
- Colleagues are invited to suggest special parallel sessions.
- Special Young Scholar sessions (PhD candidates) will be organized and students working on the above areas should submit a full paper. The best individually submitted “Young Scholar paper” will receive a prize (€200) at the end of the Conference.
Important dates
- Those interested in presenting a paper, or to organize a special session, please send the title and an abstract in English of around 300 words along with author details to: by February 15th, 2021.
- Authors will be notified by February 28th, 2021.
- Full papers (from PhD students only) should be submitted by April 19, 2021.
The Conference will take place both online and in situ in Volos, Greece, from May 20th (noon) to 21st 2021 (afternoon) at the Economic Department’s facilities: 78, 28th October Str. (ex-Matsaggos tobacco factory)
Fees: Conference participants 100 €. PhD Students 50 €
The organizing committee will appreciate receiving early notice by colleagues who intend to participate either as authors or session chairs. The conference is open to anyone who wishes to attend. Hence, you are all welcomed to announce it to colleagues and PhD students who might be interested to participate.
Scientifc Committee
- Ε. Adamides, University of Patras
- A. Andronikidis, University of Macedonia
- Th. Anthopoulou, Panteion University
- P. Arvanitidis, University of Thessaly
- V. Bellou, University of Thessaly
- Μ. Chletsos, University of Piraeus
- A. Demos, Athens University of Economics and Business
- A. Dimitras, Open University of Greece
- S. Drakopoulos, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- V. Drymbetas, Democritus University of Thrace
- P. Fitsilis, University of Thessaly
- G. Fotopoulos, University of the Peloponnese
- D. Kallioras, University of Thessaly
- I. Kevork, University of Thessaly
- C. Kollias, University of Thessaly
- Α. Konstantelou, University of the Aegean
- G. Korres, University of the Aegean
- V. Kostakis, Tallinn University of Technology
- K. Kottaridi, University of Piraeus
- T. Metaxas, University of Thessaly
- D. Milonakis, University of Crete
- N. Mylonidis, University of Ioannina
- Ι. Psycharis, Panteion University
- Y. Stamboulis, University of Thessaly
- N. Stylos, University of Bristol
- Υ. Theodossiou, University of Aberdeen
- P. Tsaliki, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- L. Tsoulfidis, University of Macedonia
- C. Vasileiadis, University of Macedonia
- Μ. Zouboulakis, University of Thessaly
Local Organizing Committee (Department of Economics, University of Thessaly)
P. Arvanitidis, V. Bellou, I. Kevork, T. Metaxas, Y. Stamboulis and Μ. Zouboulakis (Coordinator of the organizing committee).