Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο

Fully funded PhD scholarships at UWE Bristol

Dear all,

The Faculty of Business & Law at UWE Bristol (UK) is currently offering fully-funded PhD studentships starting October 2020. The faculty’s research specialisms include, among other areas, History of Economic Thought, Political Economy and Philosophy & Methodology of Economics.

The funding will cover the annual tuition fees (Home/EU rate) and annual tax-free stipend of £15,009 (RCUK rate) for three years. Overseas applicants are also welcomed to apply, subject to covering the difference between the Home/EU and the overseas tuition fee rates.

The closing date for applications is Monday 23 March 2020.

More details can be found here: https://www1.uwe.ac.uk/research/postgraduateresearchstudy/studentshipopportunities/businessandlawstudentship-2.aspx

If anyone would like to informally discuss this opportunity further, feel free to email me.

Kind regards,

Dr. Danielle Guizzo

Senior Lecturer in Economics

Accounting, Economics & Finance Department

Faculty of Business & Law – University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol

Email: danielle.guizzoarchela@uwe.ac.uk



Έχει ιδρυθεί μη κερδοσκοπικό Σωματείο με την επωνυμία «Επιστημονική Εταιρεία Πολιτικής Οικονομίας (ΕΕΠΟ)», με έδρα την Αθήνα. Σκοπός του Σωματείου είναι η προαγωγή της διδασκαλίας, έρευνας και διάδοσης της γνώσης στον τομέα της Πολιτικής Οικονομίας.