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Investigacion Economica 1st Conference

Call for Papers: 1st Conference of the Journal Investigación Económica "Mexico and the World Economy: Challenges for growth and development"

Call For Papers (preliminary version, subject to changes and adjustments)

1st Conference of the Journal Investigación Económica "Mexico and the World Economy: challenges for growth and development"


Investigación Económica is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal both sponsored and published by the School of Economics of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). It was founded in 1941 and has since been a zealous vent for cutting-edge and critical analyses of real economic phenomena and theoretical riddles, debunking pervasive dogmatic thinking. Its First International Conference aims to discuss the main problems of the Mexican economy and those of the world economy in order to grasp their deep causes and come up with realistic recommendations for the bettering of the society at large. In this vein, the conference aims to attract social scientists and students seeking to share rational conversation and meaningful dialogue. Hence, we invite all contributions enhancing the perspective of this conference.

Venue: The first International Conference of the Journal Investigación Económica will be held 12-13 November 2024 at the School of Economics, UNAM, Mexico City. It is organised by the Rector of UNAM, the Chair of the School of Economics, the Editors, and the Editorial Board of Investigación Económica ( and hosted by the School of Economics of UNAM (www.economí

Topics: The main themes of the conference focus on the most pressing socioeconomic problems of Mexico and the rest of the world economy. Mexico and the world economy have experienced dramatic changes as the 21st century ushered in a period of global structural transformations of both the real and the financial sectors with frequent crises erupting in shadow banking activities, health sectors, ecological destruction (climate change, insufficient
water supply, massive deforestation of rich lands), labor markets (massive technologicalunemployment, migration, low-paid jobs) and policymaking.

We encourage and welcome papers mainly -albeit not exclusively- dealing with the following issues:

Session 1. Latin America’s economic problems
1. Structural reforms and the role of the State
2. Mexico’s monetary, fiscal and industrial policies: Trends and challenges
3. Foreign debt, trade and financial liberalization
4. Latin America’s economy in the aftermath of the Financial and COVID-19 Health Crises
5. Stagnation, poverty and inequality

Session 2. Development and social issues
6. Social policies and the welfare system
7. Health, social security and the pensions system
8. The challenges of gender, race and class equality in economics
9. Urban and rural development and regional inequalities
10. Ecological Political Economy, climate change and class struggle

Session 3. Economic theory and empirical evidence
11. Labor markets, migration, wages and economic growth
12. Inflation, unemployment and income distribution
13. Technological change, innovation and business cycles
14. Contemporary controversies in economic theory and development economics
15. The Political Economy of Central Banking, money and contemporary finance

Session 4. International economics
16. Balance of payments, exchange rates and macroeconomic stability
17. Global value chains and foreign direct investment
18. Commodity booms and deindustrialization
19. The debate on the crisis of the US hegemony
20. Economic blocks, multilateralism and the role of China
21. The geopolitical struggle for natural resources

Keynote speakers:
To be announced

Colleagues interested in organizing panel conferences should contact the Organizing Committee directly (via

Official languages: Papers can be presented either in Spanish or English.

Publication possibilities: A selection of the accepted papers will be published as an e-book with ISBN. Best papers will be considered for publication in Investigación Económica (http:// subject to the habitual peer refereeing process.

How to apply
Send a paper’s abstract (maximum 200 words) and a résumé of your curriculum vitae in Spanish or English to by 10 July 2024. Acceptance letters and instructions for registration will be sent out by 10 August 2024. Full papers must be submitted by 10 October 2024.

Important dates
Deadline for abstract proposals: 10 July 2024
Notice of acceptance: 10 August 2024
Deadline for full papers: 10 October 2024
Publication of the conference final program: approximately 20 August 2024

Registration fees
No fee is required; instead, we encourage participants to subscribe to the journal
Investigación Económica, which is published four times a year. For more information about
subscriptions, please go to http://

Organizing Committee
Leonardo Lomelí Vanegas (Rector of the UNAM)
Lorena Rodríguez León (Chair of the School of Economics)
Ignacio Perrotini Hernández (Co-editor of Investigación Económica)
Nancy I. Muller Durán (Co-editor of Investigación Económica)
Sara M. Ochoa León (Co-editor of Investigación Económica)
Karina Navarrete Pérez (Adjunct Editor of Investigación Económica)
José Antonio Ibarra Romero (Chair of the Graduate Faculty of Economics)
Omar Velasco Herrera (Editorial board member)
Paulo Humberto Leal Villegas (Editorial board member)
Diana López Hernández (Editorial board member)
Samuel Ortiz Velásquez (Editorial board member)

Technical Team
Alumni (to be announced)



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